Čačvina Fortress

The Fortress is located on a natural elevation-a cliff above the homonymous settlement in the Trilj region. From 1992 to 1997, the Museum HAS conducted archaeological excavations and monitored its reconstruction under the supervision of the Regional Institute for the Protection of Monuments of Culture in Split. During this period, the interior of the larger eastern tower and part of the plateau that is protected by the fortress walls was explored. In addition, material was collected which reflects the fortress’ history and the life of its inhabitants during the late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, the Ottoman ruling and after the liberation of the Cetina-Region from Turkish occupation. Apart from the collection of monuments, research added to the knowledge of the surrounding area, the fortress’ architecture and the history of life in it. The marmoreal capital from the late Antiquity, stone and metal cannonballs, pieces of late mediaeval ceramic and glass pots, metal tools, arrowheads and bone fragments of crossbows stand out among the collected finds.

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