6th INTERNATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGY FILM FESTIVAL (MFAF); Split, 4. – 6. 11. 2020 The International documentary film festival about archaeology, cultural and historical heritage, monument protection and anthropology, this year will be held on-line. The three-days program of this already traditional biennial festival is made of 15 films in competition, from premieres to multiple-awarded ones. The Festival begins November 4 at 18h (UTC+1 CET). From November 4 – 6 films will be screened according to schedule. If you missed something, don’t worry, the entire program will be available November 7 and 8. For full information please see the Festival Program This is the end of the 6th International Archaeology Film Festival. If you've missed any of the films, you can watch them all starting tonight, November 6 at 21:30 until Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 24:00 (UTC+01) at the following link: Watch all movies here Dokumenti 6. mfaf program 6mfaf catalog